CAN files missing from V5 template Embedded Code

A forum for discussing applications and implementations of the MegaShift transmission controller code for the GPIO from B&G. This can control up to 8-speeds and 6 shift solenoids (plus a 16x9 table for controlling a PWM line pressure valve). It has manual and fully automatic modes (16x9 load x speed table), with under and over rev-limit protection, and full data logging of all inputs and outputs (among many other abilities). A TransStim to test your completed board is also available.
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Joined: Tue Oct 23, 2012 7:26 am

CAN files missing from V5 template Embedded Code

Post by steveh66 »

Has anyone uploaded the MShift™ V5 DIY 'Template' Embedded Code lately??

I compile it without making changes and find that the com (CAN) file(s) are missing.... is it just me??
com file error.gif
com file error.gif (180.33 KiB) Viewed 43948 times
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