A notice:
The microTCU has a few things beta testers need to be aware of:
- the only code that is designed with the microTCU in mind is the 4.1xx+ code. Earlier code will work, but external pull-ups need to be added to the digital shift lever inputs, if they are used (that is, if not using a Ford variable voltage style shift lever). The pull-ups can always be added externally to any input(s), using the Vref supply from the engine controller (the microTCU doesn't bring out the 5 Vref supply) and a current limiting resistor (1K+ Ohms).
- the pull-up code was added to the 4.110+ versions. However, to activate the processor pull-ups with the code, you need to set the Controller Hardware to "microTCU". But the only the current INI (dated April 8, 2013 or later) allows the user to set the hardware (it is commented out at line ~1121 of the mainController.ini in the TunerStudio project folder in earlier INIs). You can remove the semi-colons ( ; ) to 'uncomment' this in any text editor. The hardware setting can then be found under "Controller Hardware -> Controller Hardware". But...
- despite all the above, the pull-ups for the shift lever inputs may not be configured correctly in the code. I am looking at this now, and I hope to have it sorted shortly.
When all is sorted, there will be an internal pull-up on the microTCU when appropriate, this is supplied by the microprocessor (or it will be once everything is configured properly in the code). On the GPIO board, the pull-up is external to the processor (but still on the board), so users could build the circuit to suit their application. We had to enable the pull-ups using software on the microTCU because we don't want people to have to add/remove surface mount components out when they set/change configurations. Because the microTCU are 'new to the world' it will take a little fussing to get these things sorted out.
Also, The TIP125 for the 1 Amp constant current circuit needs to be added if that function is desirable, and a heat sink may be necessary for the TIP125. The production case should be much simpler (it will be deeper and incorporate a heat sink internally), but you have shown the best way to do it for the beta units. For more information, see:
"Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw