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Configured for W5A580?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 7:26 pm
by rpmuri
Lance, Is there any way this could be configured for the Chrysler/Benz 5spd. W5A580/NAG1 transmission? Thanks, Randy

Re: Configured for W5A580?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:52 am
by Bernard Fife

I couldn't say, since I don't really know anything at all about this transmission. 5 speeds shouldn't be a fundamental problem, it could use one of the spare ports for the extra solenoid.

However, to know if the current code could be made to work, we would need a list of all the inputs and outputs, and some details about them. For example, for the actuators (that shift the gears) we would need to know their current draw, and whether they are 12V full time or PWM'd, etc.). For the sensors (shifter position, temperature, etc.), we would need to know whether they are digital (on/off) or variable voltage, etc.

Most of this info can usually be found in a factory service manual (though it might take some digging). If you are lucky, a search with google might turn up the info as well.

Once we had that info, we could say whether the current code would work, or whether modifications would be needed. If there is a reasonable number of people wanting to run this trans, then I would happilly makes the modifications.


Re: Configured for W5A580?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:32 pm
by rpmuri
Thanks Lance, I'll start working on these. I know of a half dozen or so that are looking for a solution to this trans. Thanks again. Randy