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by Bernard Fife
Wed May 31, 2017 8:20 am
Forum: MegaShift Transmission Application
Topic: Latest Code Updates
Replies: 105
Views: 439146

Re: Latest Code Updates

5.202 code has been released here: This code has: - changed CANComm.h in serCANComm_1 to add tests for table overflow. If the location or number of bytes would cause an overflow, the code makes no changes to the table (Thanks Al!). This code might hel...
by Bernard Fife
Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:30 pm
Forum: MegaShift Transmission Application
Topic: AA80E 8-speed
Replies: 297
Views: 805829

Re: AA80E 8-speed

Jim, Google for "Data Direction Register". For the 9S12, the data direction registers are used to specify which pins are inputs and which are outputs. They have names like "DDRA" for port A, "DDRE" for port E, etc You might want to search the source code for DDRA or DDR...
by Bernard Fife
Tue Jan 03, 2017 9:04 am
Forum: MegaShift Transmission Application
Topic: Toyota A750f Transmission control
Replies: 22
Views: 173745

Re: Toyota A750f Transmission control

If I recall correctly (I haven't looked at the code for a while), the 40% limit is entirely in the INI. To change the limit, you need to find all the places in the INI it is specified and change it. This would be things like: PCneutral = scalar, U08, 120, "%", -1.00000, -100.00, 40, 100, 0...
by Bernard Fife
Mon Dec 12, 2016 3:02 pm
Forum: MegaShift Transmission Application
Topic: AA80E 8-speed
Replies: 297
Views: 805829

Re: AA80E 8-speed

Jim, The processor is a MC9S12C64CFA running at 24Mhz. Yes, the diy code and the 5.201 release code are different because of the conditional #ifdef's to reduce the size, but also because the the number of files has been reduced by combining a lot of files the were previously #included'd. If all the ...
by Bernard Fife
Sat Nov 26, 2016 10:41 am
Forum: MegaShift Transmission Application
Topic: AA80E 8-speed
Replies: 297
Views: 805829

Re: AA80E 8-speed

MShift_V5diy.mcp is there, I just checked. It is in one folder "up" from the source file (the project file is a CW file, the source files are C files). Don't use the 5.201 zip file that is within the zip file (in the backups folder), which is just included for reference. To fix the warning...
by Bernard Fife
Fri Nov 25, 2016 7:59 am
Forum: MegaShift Transmission Application
Topic: AA80E 8-speed
Replies: 297
Views: 805829

Re: AA80E 8-speed

Once you have installed Codewarrior, the .mcp file type should be linked to Codewarrior, and clicking on the 'MShift_V5diy.mcp' file (extracted from the zipped files) will start Codewarrior and open the MShift project. Or I believe you can open Codewarrior, then open the 'MShift_V5diy.mcp' from with...
by Bernard Fife
Mon Nov 21, 2016 8:31 am
Forum: MegaShift Transmission Application
Topic: AA80E 8-speed
Replies: 297
Views: 805829

Re: AA80E 8-speed

Jim, It occurred to me that we could make some mutually exclusive sections of the code compile optionally using #ifdefs, so that for example one could either have the digital or voltage based code included and leave the other out (the full code would still have both options). A few options like that...
by Bernard Fife
Sun Nov 13, 2016 4:32 pm
Forum: MegaShift Transmission Application
Topic: AA80E 8-speed
Replies: 297
Views: 805829

Re: AA80E 8-speed

I could compile code occasionally. But you might find it easier stripping some of the code out, and having the special edition compiler at your own disposal. That's because when you compile it, one (meaning I) often finds syntax errors that need correcting. Then when the code compiles without errors...
by Bernard Fife
Thu Nov 10, 2016 2:37 pm
Forum: MegaShift Transmission Application
Topic: AA80E 8-speed
Replies: 297
Views: 805829

Re: AA80E 8-speed

Jim, Start with the hcs12def.h file. It gives the memory location of all the registers. Almost all of the hcs12 registers are 8 bits. There are port registers (PORTE, for example) as well as registers to set up the i/o like the data direction registers (ex. DDRE). For the I/O registers, each port's ...